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Right Click Files

Right Click Files

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What is template?

  • easy to create premade files. its have copy of original file, prevent to scrath work.

When using right click template option?

  • without open program first create file and folder structure

Why using template feature?

  • reduce time consumption

How to use Template Files

template concept usage are same in linux but more file manager application so setup is different.

List of File Manager

  1. Dolphin
  2. nautilus
  3. nemo
  4. thunar
  5. etc….

Template in Dolphin

kde desktop using dolphin this file manager template depend two files main program file and desktop file link to main file

  • open template folder in home directory /home/$user/Templates
  • create some program file we create markdown file
  • create desktop file link the markdown file

Right Click check Template file dolphin


cd ~/Templates
touch markdown.desktop
cat <<-"EOF">> markdown.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Enter Filename:

Template in Nautilus

Gnome Desktop using Nautilus file manager. its very simple to create template file

gnome right click

  • open template folder in home directory /home/$user/Templates
  • create some program file we create markdown file done
  • Right Click check Template file

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